Videoblocks provides unlimited video storage at low cost. Become a member to start downloading pre-made videos, moving backgrounds, and After Effects templates from our extensive library.
What is Videoblocks?
Videoblocks by Storyblocks is a subscription service for all your stock needs. Our members can save in two ways, through access to our Member Library and our Marketplace.

Who should use Videoblocks?
Videoblocks helps content creators and youtubers create quality videos quickly and easily.
Why should you use Videoblocks?
- The clips are royalty-free.
- You can enter the collection and free download 20 videos per day for 7 days.
- The selection in each category is vast, so that you will almost certainly find footage for most situations.
- You can buy directly from global marketplace with over 2 million HD and 4K clips.
- You can try before you buy, with a free 7-day trial membership.
- The website has filter tools, which make searching different categories and footage quite easy.
- One of the advantages of VideoBlocks is the confidence you can have that the clips are original, no false claims of royalty-free content.
- Their library is updated twice every month, so you have new clips to download at no additional cost.
- With VideoBlocks, you don’t have to pay for each video you want, instead, you buy a monthly or annual subscription and get access to the whole library.
- Unlike other stock video websites, VideoBlocks is structured as a subscription service in which a yearly subscription costs $149.
- The range of media provided is quite extensive with over 100,000 4k videos including stock footage, video clips, animated backgrounds and regular updates with new and unique video files.
- This subscription allows users to download unlimited bulk stock videos and with regular special offers and discount it’s fair to say VideoBlocks provide exceptional value for money.”
- The stock site has 115,000 studio quality HD videos, motion backgrounds and aferter effects templates, waiting to be explored.
- Whether you have a very limited budget such as a student, a hobbyist, a blogger, then the $99/year fee is an affordable option.
- Every stock footage clip features useful technical specs.
- VideoBlocks have no limits to how many you can download in 1 month.
- The stock site does not take any commission on marketplace sales. Instead, they pass on the savings to their members.
- Once you become a member, you also get access to the global marketplace with over 2 million footages.
Features of Videoblocks
Videoblocks includes the following main functions:
Motion Backgrounds
- Next, we’ve got Motion Backgrounds, a unique category of infinitely looping clips that can be a great add-on to the video content that you intend on creating.
- There are over 10,000 motion backgrounds that are available on Video Blocks, so you won’t be disappointed when it comes to quantity.
- As far as quality is concerned, there are a variety of backgrounds that you can choose from, including shapes, particles, fire, energy, abstract, etc. which can be filtered out in the categories section. For deeper searches, you can make use of the search bar located at the top-left of the dashboard.
- It’s worth noting that Motion Backgrounds on average, have a larger file size in comparison to the HD stock footage that’s available on the same platform.
After Effects Templates
- Not everyone has the time and skill to create their own templates on Adobe After Effects. This is exactly why we have a platform that’s as good as VideoBlocks.
- In addition to providing stock footage and motion backgrounds, they also have a lot of Adobe After Effects templates to offer.
- These templates can be used to easily make some exceptional intros or logo reveals in your video clips, thereby giving it a much more professional look with minimal effort.
- These templates are downloaded as a ZIP file that can be later opened up on After Effects, where you can add your own text or logo.
- Here, we have the same category filter that we’ve seen while browsing for stock footage and motion backgrounds, which lets you search for templates based on your preferences.
In conclusion, try the 7-day free version. Then decide to pay for Video blocks. Let Videobloks make it easier for you to create videos. Thanks for reading!
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